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Community Support

Unshame California is shaped by our Community Impact Committee, Coalition members, Champions, Influencers, and many more. For the Unshame California campaign to be successful, Californians impacted by substance use disorder (SUD) must be represented and actively participating. Community members bring their advocacy, expertise, and commitment to treating people in our community with respect and understanding. 

Community Impact Committee (CIC)

The purpose of the Community Impact Committee (CIC) is for members of the community to provide ongoing guidance, feedback, and support to elements of the Unshame California campaign. This includes campaign structure and organization, webinar content and outreach, website content and engagement, newsletter content, media elements, relationship building, and any public facing collateral to better engage Community Partners and California communities

Unshame CA Champions

Unshame California Champions promote the Unshame California campaign in their communities and through their social networks by connecting Unshame California with potential community partners, by sharing their story or referring other story sharers, and by engaging in Unshame California’s digital content on social media.

Interested in becoming an Unshame California Champion:


Coalition Members

Coalition members are crucial to the success of Unshame California. They are consulted as experts to learn about their community’s needs and interests. They act as a bridge to build sustained relationships with local communities. Coalition members are committed to building upon their understanding of substance use and stigma through campaign promotion, education, and advocacy.

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